Friday, January 15, 2016

कुछ प्रश्नों के जवाब मेरे पास नहीं

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कहीं छुपी है या कुछ उदास है
विचारणा मेरी
कविता नई कोई मैं लिख नहीं पाती हूँ आज
कभी खोजती हूँ पठानकोट के आंसुओं में
तो कभी पेशावर में गुम हुई बच्चों की खिलखिलाहट में
कभी मडाया की भूख में किसी सूनी रसोई के खाली बर्तन में उसे
पर मिलती नहीं मुझे  ..... 
अयलान की चुप्पी खंजर-सा वार करती है
हेब्दो के व्यंग्य बेमानी झूठे से लगते हैं
कुछ खफा है आज कविता मेरी 
शब्दों की बेबसी मन विचलित करती है 
मैं कुछ पूछती हूँ तो कहती है कि कहीं बुझ न जाऊं 
कुछ भयभीत हूँ विचारमग्न हूँ कहीं हार ना जाऊं 

कहाँ है वो स्पर्श मर्म भरा 
वो अश्रु संवेदना से ओत-प्रोत 
वो शब्द जो घृणा की कठोरता को पिघला दें 
कहाँ हैं ?

मैं मूक हूँ कुछ कह नहीं पाती 
कुछ प्रश्नों के जवाब मेरे पास नहीं 

English Translation

There are some questions I can answer not...

She is hiding somewhere or maybe she is upset
My Muse
A new poem I can write not any more today
I try to find her in the tears of Pathankot sometimes
And sometimes I search for her in the lost giggles of the children of Peshawar
Sometimes I rummage in the empty vessels of the desolate kitchens of hungry Madaya
But I find her not.....
Alan's silence stabs like a dagger
Hebdo's jokes seem fake and redundant
My poem is bitter/angry today
Feeble words make me feel discontented
When I ask her, she says, what if she is snuffed out
I am scared, lost in thoughts - what if I am wasted

Where is that soothing touch
-Those tears flowing with compassion
-Those words that could melt all hatred away
-Where are they?

I am quiet, I can say nothing
There are some questions I can answer not...

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.


  1. Aur Jo jawab hain wo bemani lagte hain. It's very easy to answer questions specially for the educated lot, as they can quote Nietzsche and Charvak in the same breath. But do we really mean it or just offer the best answer like a new Miss World ?
    I have seen the so called poets penning beautiful thoughts on transience of life without ever meaning it .... Shabdon ke saath khelna - is the latest fad it seems.Hence, Sunaina , it seems that certain questions must better remain unanswered. At least the feelings are pure.
    Nice one, girl.

    1. True Kokila. Some questions elicit responses that are incomplete. Words do not heal in such a situation. Something deeper is required.

  2. My knowledge of Hindi is limited. But I think this is a common problem for writers. You will find your muse again quickly.

  3. सुनैना जी,एक संवेदनशील ह्रदय की व्यथा बहुत ही सुन्दर व्यक्त की है आपने।

  4. सुनैना जी,एक संवेदनशील ह्रदय की व्यथा बहुत ही सुन्दर व्यक्त की है आपने।

  5. My muse has been arts and music. So I'm inspired easily by these. I'm sure you'll find your muse again quickly too.

    - Style.. A Pastiche

  6. Behad khoobsurat kavita, Sunaina! Ek samvedansheel kavi ke dard ko kis tarah shabdon mein ukeraa hai aapne...
    'kavi' deliberately kahaa hai maine, kyonki koi saadhaaran vyakti aisa nahin likh saktaa!

  7. very beautifully written sunaina...some questions better remain unanswered...

    1. Not sure about that. Questions like these need urgent answers.

  8. What a beauty, we all face similar issues some day!

  9. A delicate composition straight from the heart! Loved the way you touched upon all the current issues. Kudos Sunaina :)

  10. Nicely expressed, Sunaina! Your comment about ineffectivity of Hebdo's sattire impressed me most.

    I think you already have the answer. It's futile to take out pen where a sword is needed, and vise-a-versa.

    1. Thanks Saket. I don't really have the answer yet.

  11. Sunaina. Your poem captures the pain that we all feel with the happenings all around with so much sensitivity that it makes the reader ponder on what's the world up to.

  12. Poignant and thought provoking. A great read, Sunaina :)

  13. The words used here were powerful enough to make the readers feel their true essesnce :)

    1. Glad I succeeded there Darshith. Good to see you here.

  14. Thought provoking lines, Sunaina. Beautifully penned.

  15. Heart wrenching read. Humanity is lost. And, trust me when I say that many ask the same question which remains unanswered. More hard hitting truth is we ask these questions when we read some posts or news. Else, we are somewhat hollow ourselves.

    1. Hollow is a strong word Saru. We are prone to inaction until things affect us directly. But that does not make us hollow. Hollowness is a depraved state for me.
